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Tiptoe Tina: Broccoli Burglar!

A jiggle of a handle, a door that’s locked improperly, 

and in slips Tiptoe Tina, to steal somebody’s broccoli. 


Tiptoe Tina tiptoes home, begins at once to bake: 

broccoli soup, broccoli pie and a broccoli forest cake. 


A jiggle of a handle, a door that’s locked improperly, 

and in slips Tiptoe Tina, to steal somebody’s broccoli. 


Then home to make hot broccolate (it nicely warms her belly), 

broccoli butter, broccoli bread and a jar of broccoli jelly. 


A jiggle of a handle, a door that’s locked improperly, 

and in slips Tiptoe... “OI! WOTCHA DOIN’ ON MY PROPERTY?” 


Stompin’ Sam’s not happy. In fact, he’s stompin’ mad. 

He says that stealing broccoli is criminally bad. 

Tina whips some jelly from her pocket, tells Sam, “Try it!” 

“Experience the brilliance of broccoli-based diet!” 


He takes a bite and sees the light – he eats ‘til nothing’s left, 

and thinks that he may be in love, but disapproves of theft. 

So Sam and Tina start a farm to chase an honest dream, 

to sow and grow and feast on greens; they make a perfect team. 


A jiggle of a handle, a bad girl turned good, probably... 


...out slips Tiptoe Tina, to steal somebody’s broccoli.​


Rebecca Loveday

This story was a winning entry in the Kidlit Chuckle Challenge 2024. I hope it makes you chuckle too! Find the full winners list here.​

©2022 by Rebecca Loveday: Rhyme Lady. Proudly created with

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